
This is a continuation of the 'blog' on the page at: Controlling_mortice.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Flying in Lycra

I always like the idea of wearing tight Lycra gear where it's not normally found, and particularly wearing it on a flight where I can imagine any (male) passenger wearing it.

I was sent by work from UK to USA, and thought I'd take the opportunity to carry out some of these fantasies. My flight to Michigan was shared with colleagues so not a time for unusual wear. However, a week later I flew from Michigan to New York on the holiday part of the trip so not with colleagues and a first time to be more adventurous.

So in the airport, before security, I took off the jeans I was wearing to reveal cycle shorts. I was also wearing a long tee-shirt and trainers. Here's a pic from after the flight, having removed trainers:

The security at the airport was using a millimeter wave scanner (whole body) which scanned me. It spotted a packet of tissues tucked into my shorts which security then checked and 'frisked' me around there, and let me go. Don't know if it picked up on my genital piercings but I bet security see them all the time :-)

I kept the shorts visible until I got to the hotel, then went out in the evening in jeans and tee-shirt. I bought a 'selfie stick' which I knew would come in handy for photographing my outfits :-)

The next day (Saturday) I put on sleeveless tee-shirt and little high cut jogging shorts, a lot shorter than I'd expect to see any other guys wearing.

I went shopping around New York, and picked up lots of interesting Lycra and jogging gear that I'd not seen around UK. I also bought some interesting deck shoes then changed into them:

Then on Sunday I decided to go for a jog in Central Park. I left the hotel wearing a Lycra sprint suit that I bought the day before, with a sleeveless tee-shirt over:

Once I got to the park I stripped off the tee-shirt to reveal the Lycra:

I noticed a big crowd of runners going through the park, so I joined in. They were on the "Race for the Cure". I did notice there was no-one other than me in any sort of one-piece outfit.

I ran about 2km which is about what I expected, and it was getting hot. Quite exhausted at the end:

If you're wondering, the thing on my chest in a heart rate monitor.

I returned to the hotel to shower and change and went out again, this time in red cycle shorts and vest top:

Then Monday was the day I was due to depart, but in the evening. As I had to leave my hotel room in the morning, I had to go out in the clothes that I was planning on flying in, which for this flight was going to be vibram toe shoes and with 2XU compression leggings:

I had to take the ubiquitous picture with the Statue of Liberty in the background. This picture does suggest my tights may have been showing more bulge than I thought:

After lots of wandering around New York in leggings (must have got some odd looks, though I didn't notice) I went to the airport. I queued to go through the millimeter wave scanner but was taken aside and told to go straight through without being checked. I like to think it was because the tightness of my clothing couldn't have been hiding anything, but others were waived through too.

Before the flight I changed my tee-shirt, since I expected the plane to be cooler than New York:

As I was boarding on the plane the assistant said she was a big Mets fan and would have upgraded me if they'd had space (despite I don't think I was even wearing licenced merchandise).

The flight was uneventful. I felt more self-conscious about the orangeness of my tee-shirt than my leggings.

Then back in UK I put another top on (colder!) but kept my leggings visible:

I kept this all until I got home.

It was fun being able to wear odd stuff in such public places. The leggings were fine on flight (and apparently good for avoiding DVT) so I wonder if for my next flight I want to be more adventurous, what else could I do?