Someone online pointed out a 3d printed chastity device, and I found it surprisingly cheap and easy to make, so here's the process.
You only need your own "magic locker" lock, which is supplied with any chastity cage that doesn't need a padlock, or available on ebay, eg or lots of other sellers.
There's a lot but only because each step is very easy:
- Go to this is the cage with spikes, you can browse the pictures
- The description explains the difference between the different models
- Click on "10 Thing Files", which will show you the files that made up the devices
- Download the files you want. You need one base, one cover and one ring. I downloaded:
- Iron_Maiden_Type_A_base.stl
- Iron_Maiden_Type_A_cover.stl
- Iron_Maiden_46mm_ergo_ring.stl
- Go to this is an international company who coordinates local 3d printing companies
- Top middle there's a button "Order 3D Print", click on that
- Click on "Upload files"
- Select all 3 files you downloaded earlier and 'OK'
- You'll see it list them and some will have a small picture to the left but some will state "Processing model"
- Wait until all 3 have a picture and none say "Processing model", this takes a few minutes
- Click "Next"
- It will list the parts top left and the printing companies and prices on the right
- All prices are us US$ regardless of where in the world you are
- Top middle there's a location picker, click on it and ensure it's (approximately) your current location
- Choose your material and colour and other details, you can select a picture and choose the details for that print:
- The main material choices are PLA which is good but can be brittle if thin, and ABS which is a bit stronger. I'm not sure about other materials
- I chose PLA for the body and cover and ABS for the ring, because I first got a ring in PLA and the post snapped
- Choose a colour for each part, you might find some colours limit your choice of printing companies (everyone does white and black)
- Infill is how much material is used to fill in the walls. Higher means stronger but more expensive. I chose 100 for the ring and 80 for the others
- On the right it lists the printing companies based on what you asked for - you need to add up the print cost and the shipping cost, so some may be cheap print expensive shipping or vice versa
- I found that this order was less than the minimum order for the printing company (which for my local company was $11.99 print $4 ship) so I could choose a more expensive material or infill or add an extra thing to print and not make it any more expensive
- Click 'Buy' on the one you want
- Now you'll need to fill in your shipping details, possibly create an account, add to card and check out, just like any other online purchasing site
- They will send you mails about progress of the print. They may send you pictures of the printed articles and ask for your approval before shipping it
- Once company I once dealt with (a job which had several different products in different material) asked for more money after the money quoted by TreatStock, so I cancelled that order and placed it with someone else since there's thousands to choose from
- It took about a week, most of that time was shipping
This looks like a lot of steps but takes about 10 minutes, and you get a very cheap quite quick device customised to your colour!
The finish on prints is not perfect, it may be a little rough in places, that's the main drawback of 3D print as opposed to getting something made in steel.
The main issue you might have with this design is that the post on the ring is a very tight fit into the hole on the cage (this is why my first one snapped) but it does work out okay if you're careful (to separate the parts, push the post out rather than pulling it).
Browse other things on thingiverse, you can print anything the same way, and things of a similar size are going to be a similar price.
I also printed which is a "kali's teeth" ring which fits onto the base ring part of a CB6000 and replaces the cage part (this is the 'teeth_v2.stl' file):
Let me know how you get on!