
This is a continuation of the 'blog' on the page at: Controlling_mortice.

Friday, 10 May 2013

...and out of cb

I managed okay wearing cb to work yesterday. I sometimes had to be careful how I sat down, since if the PA lock gets pushed it can be painful. I was getting 'ball burn' (random sore sensations from underside of balls, cured by rearranging skin and adding lube). Both nights of sleeping were disturbed by cb, the sort of effect that I hear goes away over time but difficult to cope with.

This morning I was finding the sensation from bumping the PA lock was more acute (may have been related to different choice of underwear) and was concerned that I wouldn't be able to sit comfortably at all at work. I decided the situation wasn't workable, so unlocked the device entirely.

By way of 'punishment' I will behave as though I still had cb locked on until the time when I would have unlocked it, so no touching my cock at all until Wednesday 9pm - that's going to be difficult and very frustrating!

I'm going to make enquiries about the problems I'm having, since I can't be the only one with them. Primarily there are 3 issues:

  • The cockring is the right size for me, and the old (wider) steelheart tube was big enough that the ball trap gap was tight enough that it kept my balls from slipping through quite effectively. The new tube is narrower (which I really like) but a side-effect is that the ball gap is lots bigger and my balls slip through. I don't want a tighter cockring, I just want that gap to be filled with something. This must be a standard problem with a standard solution - an oval ring or a blob on the bottom of the tube to fill the gap. I've used 'polymorph' mouldable plastic stuff but I suspect it's causing some of the ball burn problem
  • The PA lock is prone to pinching and being painful when knocked. I have partly cured the pinching problem by buying a 7mm cable grommet from ebay which stops skin getting trapped between the pa bar and the hole. So the main problem is a need to sit down carefully so the PA lock doesn't get bumped. And once I unlocked I found some redness around the head, so would need to do something to sort that out (not even sure of the cause, probably lots of pulling around)
  • I have on previous devices developed a sore most of the way down the underside of my cock, where it's pushed against the bottom of the ring. I wore this one for 2 days before, and didn't see that sore when I removed it but found it a few days later - always possible caused by something else, not sure. Not sure how best to address that, have considered regularly lubing the spot and putting something around the cb base to make it smoother (although already very smooth)
So it's 'back to the drawing board' to find a suitable comfortable secure long-term device.

Having said that, for a day or two the device I have is great - feels horny to wear and very secure. Just not so good for longer than that.

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