
This is a continuation of the 'blog' on the page at: Controlling_mortice.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Locked overnight

Yesterday evening for a change I thought I'd lock on my small steelheart with spiked cockring, and I put the keys into a lock box in my garden, planning to be locked 6pm to midnight so I'd have to go out in the dark to retrieve key.

I got chatting to a friend who talked me into retrieving the key but only to switch the spiked ring for a normal ring so I could sleep locked (not original plan). I did so, and decided if I was going to sleep in it I might as well keep it on for the next day.

I had a fairly bad night, woke several times including at 6am in some discomfort which lasted about 15 mins.

I've been wearing it to work all day today which has not caused any problems except that the modified ring needs regular lubing or it starts to ache (I added some plastic to prevent ball slip-out).

Not going to spend another night locked but I will at least wait until dark before retrieving key, possibly wearing either something minimal (shorts or less) or something maximal (black zentai, would be invisible at night).

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