
This is a continuation of the 'blog' on the page at: Controlling_mortice.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Lycra worn

Today I went to a photo shoot where a friend was taking pics of myself and friends in a photo studio and (as previously posted) agreed with another friend to wear lycra gear on the way there and back (train journey). It's not something I often do and I feel very self-conscious when I do it. The plan was to wear cycle shorts on the way out and a one-piece cycle skinsuit on the way back.

When I checked outside this morning there was quite a cold wind blowing, so I decided to pull out of the plan and wear tracksuit bottoms instead. However, by the time I got to the train I realised it wasn't as cold as when I'd previously checked, then I regretted not wearing the shorts. So I went into the toilet on the train and changed into cycle shorts. I was also wearing a long vest style top and sometimes a jacket. I did get an odd look from one guy on the train but no comment.

I met with the friends (no comment on my attire) and we had a pub lunch. I felt very odd wearing the shorts and tee around the pub but nothing interesting happened as a result.

The photo shoot was fun, lots of posing in zentai then being told to move an arm or let a little by the photographer until he got the perfect picture, perfectly lit.

By the time we'd finished it had turned sunny outside so I pulled on my skinsuit and wore it back to the train and for the whole journey. I put the jacket on for the walk home, though it wasn't zipped up. As I walked home like that someone shouted something out of a car as it zoomed past, no idea what, I only got a burst of noise, but that's the sort of thing which happens regardless of what I'm wearing. I laughed at the time (which I could have heard what they said) it didn't worry me.

It's very rare for me to wear cycle shorts out, more rare to wear a skinsuit, so the whole day was most unusual, but good fun and it's encouraging to do more of it :)

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