
This is a continuation of the 'blog' on the page at: Controlling_mortice.

Sunday, 16 June 2013


I had an odd experience...

I was out shopping on Saturday, wearing shorts (knee length cotton, not jog or cycle) and a teeshirt when it started to rain. But instead of diving for cover, I just let myself be rained on. I found it quite liberating, quite nice. I began to question why I always try to avoid the rain.

At times I would walk a long route from shop to shop so I could get rained on more. At one point I was speaking to a shop assistant when I saw it started raining really heavily, and I wanted to get out quickly so I could experience it.

After a while the coldness of the rain got to me, and I thought I should try to cover. But I think if it had been a warm summer shower it would have been fine to stay out in, very pleasant.

I can see if you're on your way somewhere and you're getting wet then that can be a problem for the rest of the day, but if you're on your way home and you can change into dry stuff when you get there, why worry about the rain why not just take it in and enjoy it?

Perhaps the British weather has something going for it after all...

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